首页> 外文OA文献 >Variasi Genetik Sifat-sifat Kayu Uji Keturunan Acacia Mangium Umur 5 Tahun Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah (Genetic Variation of Wood Properties in Progeny Trial of Acacia Mangium on 5 Years Old in Wonogiri, Central Java)

Variasi Genetik Sifat-sifat Kayu Uji Keturunan Acacia Mangium Umur 5 Tahun Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah (Genetic Variation of Wood Properties in Progeny Trial of Acacia Mangium on 5 Years Old in Wonogiri, Central Java)

机译:中爪哇省Wonogiri的5年生相思锰下降试验木材特性的遗传变异(中爪哇省Wonogiri 5年生相思树种后代试验木材特性的遗传变异)


First generation (F-1) of progeny trial of Acacia mangium originated from Papua New Guinea and Queensland-Australia was established in Wonogiri, Central Java on December 1993. The tree selection within family were carried out base on growth characteristic, whereas the wood property traits were not included. The objective of this research is to find the effect of provenance or family in variation of diameter and wood properties of`A. mangium in the trial in 5 years old. The results showed that mean of wood specific gravity was 0.44 (it was medium catagory) and mean of fiber length was 1.04 mm (it is short fiber category). Variation of heartwood area, wood specific gravity, and moisture content showed significantly differences among provenance or between family within provenance. Individual heritability of diameter and heartwood area were low (h2i=0.03 for diameter and h2i=0.05 for heartwood area), however individual heritability of wood properties were low to high (hi2=0.10-0.56). The result of investigation indicated that trees selection using wood properties should be conducted to improve wood quality in the progeny trial.
机译:源自巴布亚新几内亚和昆士兰-澳大利亚的马占相思树的后代试验的第一代(F-1)于1993年12月在中爪哇省Wonogiri建立。根据生长特性进行家庭内树木的选择,而木材性质特质不包括在内。这项研究的目的是发现种源或家族对木材直径和木材特性变化的影响。锰在5岁的审判中。结果表明,木材比重的平均值为0.44(属于中等类别),纤维长度的平均值为1.04mm(属于短纤维类别)。心材面积,木材比重和水分含量的变化显示出种源之间或种源内各科之间的显着差异。直径和心材面积的个体遗传力较低(直径的h2i = 0.03,心材面积的h2i = 0.05),但是木材特性的个体遗传力从低到高(hi2 = 0.10-0.56)。调查结果表明,应在后代试验中利用木材特性选择树木以提高木材质量。



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